Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tapping our Spiritual Intelligence

This article was published in the on January 31, 2010.

Everyone in this world desires peace, harmony and a happy life. However peace is an intangible feeling, not amenable to description by words. It is transcendental. Yet it is the common need of humanity. While 'inner peace' is attainable for individuals through the process of meditation, 'outer peace' or peace in the outer world is essential, if inner peace is to be sustainable. The common challenge of Mankind is to make 'outer peace' available for everyone. This is all the more imperative in the present times and has been well articulated here.

Every individual is a repository of peace, though he/she may not be aware of it. Our Spiritual Intelligence, which is in-built within us, is tuned to this peace. Peace is our basic requirement and the nucleus around which our lives are built. Our entire life is ultimately tuned to achieve this 'inner peace' and we become discontented if this process is hampered. In our deep sleep state we enjoy this peace and become fully relaxed and refreshed. Whatever we THINK OR DO in our waking state becomes meaningful if it is structured around this inner core of peace or bliss, which is our true 'self'. If not, we tend to feel discontented. We try to set right our thoughts and actions so that the disturbance in our 'conscience' or 'inner consciousness' is gradually healed.

Thus our 'conscience', which is tuned to 'inner peace', acts as a tool to establish ourselves in peace. We have here a mechanism to contact and bring into our lives, that which is transcendental, beyond words, beyond logic and that which is sought by the entire humanity. Facilitating the expression of this 'conscience' within each one of us through an appropriate political mechanism and integrating it with our day-to-day lives should naturally usher in peace at the local, national and global levels.

Partyless Governance, where the individual's 'conscience' is made the center of all political processes, would meet these requirements. Being directly connected to the transcendental 'inner peace', conscience-based politics would usher in a just and equitable world order by its very nature. Partyless Governance is possible when all the members of the elected house are elected as 'independents' regardless of their political affiliations outside the house. They are thus enabled to act according to their 'conscience' without being tied down to their party line of thinking and become directly accountable to the people. An international effort to promote Partyless Governance at all levels would be a practical way to usher in global peace.

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